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gengtoto The Gentoo Handbook Architectures. Gentoo Linux is available for many computer architectures. An instruction set architecture (ISA) (Wikipedia) or architecture for short is a family of CPUs (processors) who support the same instructions. The two most prominent architectures in the desktop world are the x86 architecture and the x86_64 architecture (for which Gentoo uses the amd64 notation).
gengtoto The Gentoo Handbook Architectures. Gentoo Linux is available for many computer architectures. An instruction set architecture (ISA) (Wikipedia) or architecture for short is a family of CPUs (processors) who support the same instructions. The two most prominent architectures in the desktop world are the x86 architecture and the x86_64 architecture (for which Gentoo uses the amd64 notation).
gengtoto The Gentoo Handbook Architectures. Gentoo Linux is available for many computer architectures. An instruction set architecture (ISA) (Wikipedia) or architecture for short is a family of CPUs (processors) who support the same instructions. The two most prominent architectures in the desktop world are the x86 architecture and the x86_64 architecture (for which Gentoo uses the amd64 notation).